

Rules and Regulations

•  Visitors have to obtain entry permits at the Reception. Entry/Safari timings are regulated in such a manner that visitors must come out of forest before the prescribed time/sunset.

•  All the tourists enter at their own risk in ATR. ATR management is not responsible for any kind of loss/accident.

•  A special permission is needed to Photographers, researchers for shooting, Videography, making documentaries, research activities in ATR

• Visitors are required not to carry any non­biodegradable litter inside ATR. {cans,plastic orglassitems,etaIfoiletc.) A Penalty will be applied to those who didn't follow the rules. Always use Garbage bins to throw Biodegradable litter.

Tips For Visitors

• While visiting inside the ATR,it is advisable to have aids like caps,camera for photographs,binoculars,basicmedicines,bottledwater

•  There is no facility of Canteen but it is coming up soon at Kehripur Forest campus. The tourists will enjoy breakfast, lunch, colddrinks and snacks items there.

•  Wildlife sighting is a matter of chance so have Patience while going out for Jungle Safari.

•  While visiting the ATR, take an experienced guide

•  Respect the privacy of wildlife animals and birds.

•  Wearing clothes that merges with natural surroundings enhances chances of wildlife sighting

•  Please write us on our website and social media pages facebook page- Tourist places Bijnor, lnstagram page- Dfo Bijnor, Twitter page- @DfoBijnor for suggestions and feedback

Following activities are an offence in the Amangarh Tiger Reserve

•  Keep ATR clean, plastic and garbage free

•  Do not Feed anything to Wild Animals

•  Smoking, Drinking liquor is prohibited inside ATR

•  Visitors are not permitted to use non-designated routes and to visit outside the designated tourism zones

•  Do not attempt to block the passage of a passing animal, particularly tiger and elephant

•  Blowing of horns and driving above the speed limit is srictly prohibited.

•  Carrying of firearms, Lighter, MatchBox, pets, Sharp metal Objects are prohibited in ATR.

•  Making fire and cooking

•  Teasing animals

•  Making loud noise & Playing music

•  Consumption of intoxicated materials

•  Plucking of flowers or causing harm to trees and gardens

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